Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Making A Toffee Crunch Cheese Cake

I decided to make my first real NY style cheese cake, actually my first of any cheesecakes.The NY style is where you cook it in a water bath. It wasn't too hard as I had anticipated.Please follow the link to my flickr page to see the steps I took to make this tasty treat.

First things first , this will probably be the most unhealthy cake you ever eat. However it will be totally worth it.

First you must make the ginger snap crust. This a few cups of ginger snap cookies blended up, with 5 table spoons of melted butter. Mix together ,then press into spring pan. I used a 9.5 inch pan.Also you must cover the outside of the pan with 3 layer is foil. This will help seal the pan from the water getting in.(You'll see why).

The cheese cake portion calls for 4 packages of cream cheese ,so I decided to use light cream cheese as to lessen my guilt.Then you add 5 eggs and a cup up packed brown sugar. Blend and pour into the spring pan that already has you ginger snap crust in it. Make sure you grease the sides of the pan.

The oven will be preheated to 350. Put the cake pan into roasting pan and fill the roaster with water until the water in half way up the cake pan. Put the lid on the roaster and place in oven. Bake for 1 hr and 10 minutes, or until the middle is a little jiggly ,but not too jiggly. I baked for exactly 1 hr and 10 minutes.

The topping is where I had a little mishap. Combine white sugar, water and lemon juice in sauce pan. Heat on low until mixture is clear and then turn up heat and bring to boil. Boil until mixture is an amber colour and do not stir while the mixture is boiling just swirl the pan a few times. Once the mixture has changed to an amber colour add in the heavy cream. This the point where the mishap happened. Please note that when you add the cream the mixture will react and bubble up a lot. So either use a deep pot or add the cream very slowly.Cleaning my stove after this was not fun. You can see pictures on my flicker.Once this has boiled for another 10 minutes remove from heat and cool in the fridge for about 30 minutes.You want the topping to be cool but not solid as you will be spooning this onto the cake.

When the cheese cake is cooked and cooled start to spoon the cooled topping onto the cake and don't let it run over the side like I did. This won't ruin anything it just looks better. You will need to cut up some score bars and sprinkle them around the edge and this will help to keep the topping from running down the sides.

Chill the cake (still in the pan) for 2 to 6 hrs.Once chilled place on serving dish and pop open the cake pan and that is it. Keep this cake chilled so the topping doesn't run off the cake.

Here is the flickr link:

Here is the actual recipe :

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

So you can be the judge! Do we love it or hate? I am on the fence with this one. It does make me laugh though!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday's Big Bizarre - Sept. 25/09

Do you remember the early to mid 1990's? I don't really think about it much, but I can across a video that made me laugh at how terrible some of the music was from then and how bad the clothes really where. Remember the guys wearing those two tone shirts that button up with polka dots on one half? The colored jeans, they came in yellow, red , green etc. LOL. How bad the style was back then. There was some good toward the later years. So just to take you back so you can fully remember just take a look at this video. The dancing is super awesome(insert sarcasm here) , lol. It's good though because at the time it was the shit.

Enjoy the flash back.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Somebody has a case of the Mondays

Here we are again at the start of the work week. I think it is the most dreaded day of the week. I myself get a really nauseous feeling Sunday nights because I know I have to start the week and Friday is so far away.If Monday was an ice cream it would dick and asshole flavor. Let's be honest most of us feel that way. Why else would there be a song about it. If you are wondering it is "I don't like Mondays" By the Boom town rats.As far as I know that song came about because of a true story about a man that went on a shooting spree,I think it was anyway. Then when he was asked why he did it,he said "I don't like Mondays." That of course is an extreme case of hating Monday.

So how do we get through a Monday?Well I found three tips while browsing the Internet.

1# Prepare ahead of time.Relax on Sunday night chill on the couch watch your favorite t.v show or move and make sure you get to bed at a decent hour.

2# Deny. Live in denial until you have to face Monday. Not the best option but it may work for some people. I myself can't because on Sunday all I can think is Monday is right around the corner.

3# On Monday do something nice for your self, go out to lunch. This way it breaks up the day and seems to go faster. That would be my favorite option.

In the end we can't escape it,Monday always comes and comes too fast. We only get 48 hours of time off from work. It doesn't seem fair dose it? If you are like me most of that time is spend doing things we must do not things we want to do. I need to make more time for the things I want to do as apposed to the things I must do. I doubt that will happen but one must give it try.

In the end we can try and look on the bright side,Monday is only once a week and we will survive it , we always do.

My Zimbio
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Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday's Big Bizarre - Sept. 18/09

Okay, this is not so much a bizarre clip as just so funny. I love this scene in So I married and axe murderer. What makes it even funnier then what Mike Myers is saying,is that the actor beside him is trying so hard not to laugh out loud. I am sure the laughing is honest. I know I couldn't hold it in if I was actually sitting there.

It's Friday and everybody can use a laugh now and then. So enjoy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday's Big Bizarre - Sept. 11/09

I know I have been using strange people on the 70's show the Gong Show. However I stumbled across this gem and it instantly made me laugh. As I have said before I do have a weird sense of humor so if you don't find this funny I won't take it personal, lol.

Thanks all and Happy Friday!

Check me out on twitter(wowgal).

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Holiday shopping - Never too early

So before we know it that time of year will be looming over us. Why not cut out the stress and start your holiday shopping now? Not will you be less stressed you will be able to budget for those things you really want to get the people on your list. It may sound crazy but it will save you in the long run. Check me out at or on, you can find my shop under Wowgirl in the seller section.

Thanks all.

My Zimbio
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