Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Trailer Park Boys -The movie #2

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So as most of us know by now, there will be a second Trail Park Boys movie(Count down to liquor day). I assume like me most of us fans where hoping and praying that this would happen.

From what I have found surfing the net ,the movie wrapped on October 10th and will in the theaters this fall.Check out the link for the trailer :

I believe this will be as good if not the finest piece from the TPB. As with every TPB plot ,the boys are released from jail and go back the their home at the trailer park to take on the new trail park supervisor (Not Jim Lahey).This new park supervisor is meaner and wants to change a lot of things in the park and the boys do not like this idea.

So far from watching the trailer my favorite part is when Bubbles says Randy is hooking for cheeseburgers. I can't wait to see that. There is one thing however that I need to know.......Is Jim Lahey in this new movie?If he isn't then I retract my above statement about this movie being the finest piece.If Lahey is not in this movie, well that is like a hamburger with no cheese.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

To be or not to Be?

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So this is my first post and something that I must let you all know is that I love movies. I am a nerd for movies. I'm great to have on a team for movie or T.V trivia games, but I digress.

I was surfing the web as I do occasionally and I came across some troubling news. It's seems there will be a Donnie Darko part 2. I believe my first thought was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why on God's green earth would this be a good idea? It clearly isn't ,in my humble option. I love the first one so much I feel this new one will be so bad that it will forever taint the original for me .I may give this movie a look as I am some what interested in how bad it will be. Whomever had this bright idea must have had a brain tumor for breakfast the day he or she had this gem of an idea.

Clearly the first movie was never meant to have a part 2. This new Darko will be focused on his sister taking a road trip across country to become a dancer and she starts having visions. Sounds like a great plot, note the sarcasm.Is there any possibility it could be good and my gut instinct is wrong? I don't bet on it. I did take a look at the trailer on the official site. Not too impressed, time will tell. I will surely be back on this topic to give my thoughts after viewing this new Darko.

I had to make this as my first blog because I was so mortified at this idea and I had to share my feelings and wondered could others share my feelings? I needed to vent on this as it is one of those things that will not go away and there is nothing that I can do to change it. Oh what a world ,what a world.

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