So this is my first post and something that I must let you all know is that I love movies. I am a nerd for movies. I'm great to have on a team for movie or T.V trivia games, but I digress.
I was surfing the web as I do occasionally and I came across some troubling news. It's seems there will be a Donnie Darko part 2. I believe my first thought was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why on God's green earth would this be a good idea? It clearly isn't ,in my humble option. I love the first one so much I feel this new one will be so bad that it will forever taint the original for me .I may give this movie a look as I am some what interested in how bad it will be. Whomever had this bright idea must have had a brain tumor for breakfast the day he or she had this gem of an idea.
Clearly the first movie was never meant to have a part 2. This new Darko will be focused on his sister taking a road trip across country to become a dancer and she starts having visions. Sounds like a great plot, note the sarcasm.Is there any possibility it could be good and my gut instinct is wrong? I don't bet on it. I did take a look at the trailer on the official site. Not too impressed, time will tell. I will surely be back on this topic to give my thoughts after viewing this new Darko.
I had to make this as my first blog because I was so mortified at this idea and I had to share my feelings and wondered could others share my feelings? I needed to vent on this as it is one of those things that will not go away and there is nothing that I can do to change it. Oh what a world ,what a world.
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