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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday's Big Bizarre - May 22/09

Thank God I am writing this b/c I just can't help but laugh my butt off at this post, as I would not be able to speak right now. It crosses my mind more then once a day - What the hell are people thinking? LOL. I swear, I thought the people that audition for American Idol where deluded. Check out the link at the end. You will either laugh at the utter stupidity of these people or wonder if they are going to be on the next episode of intervention b/c they must be completely high at all times to think they look good , or even normal. Maybe they don't have mirrors ?I am so glad I found this today, I needed a good laugh. Enjoy , happy Friday.
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KudoSurf Me!
eye brows
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Venting #2

Here is something that always has frosted my cookies,....People that just say whatever rude thing they want to others and seem to get away with it. WTF? I have to say when I experience this I usually say to friend "did you hear that ?" or" guess what "Larry" said". The reply to me from them is usually well it's "Larry" what do you expect. So that is a reason that "Larry" can get away with never being told he is rude and hurtful? I am sure if I said something out of line that I would be told about it and do you know why? I'll tell you, b/c if you are a person that does not say rude things or speak without thinking then you can't get away with it b/c that just isn't you. How fair is that? Not to say that people should say rude or slightly insulting things away, but you know from time to time people slip. I just hate when those people like "Larry" can just go through life saying whatever the hell they want and nobody says boo to them b/c that is the way he is, and he the way he is b/c nobody says anything. It drives me nuts!
The times I think I have said something and it was kind of rude, it plagues me for days. Sometimes I even bring it up the next time I see the person I might have offend in order to say sorry, and most times they don't even remember. This venting today was just brought on by an experience this past weekend. I just can't let people like "Larry" get away with that crap. Not to say the "Larry's" of this world are bad people b/c that is not what I am saying , I just think that if it is not pointed out to them they will never watch what they say. However saying something to these people sometimes gets you in trouble. That is bull too, b/c finally something is said and b/c you are not the type to say "rude" things it seems you are being mean to the "Larry" type. Anyway it seems to me there is no answer, however I am not going to stop letting the "Larry's" of this world know that they have offended me. I am not mean about it , I just let them know that it was not something you should have said now or at all. Somethings you need to say inside your own head and you'll be better off for it. I think we all have a "Larry" around or you might even be a "Larry". If you might think you could be a "Larry" type just do a second take before your thoughts come out your mouth. It might save you tongue lashing if you offend the wrong person.
If you want to earn extra cash for doing pretty much nothing check out this link. I swear it's real. You get a few cents for each AD you read. It doesn't promise millions.
KudoSurf Me!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Bob Marley - Anniversary

Today is the anniversary of Bob Marley's death. He is a legend in music and his music always makes me feel good. Let's have a small salute to Bob.
Bob Marley February 6, 1945 - May 11, 1981
If you want to earn extra cash for doing pretty much nothing check out this link. I swear it's real. You get a few cents for each AD you read. It doesn't promise millions.
KudoSurf Me!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Gong Show Vol.2 - Friday's Big Bizarre
In my attempt to adding amusing clips I found one from the beloved 70's Gong show that just might shake you to the core of your stomach. I had no words after watching this "act" as I almost peed myself from laughing so hard. I hope this gets a good laugh out of a few people. I also wondered what makes people do such things? I ask myself this same question at the beginning of every American Idol season too. Well, have a great Friday and enjoy!

If you want to earn extra cash for doing pretty much nothing check out this link. I swear it's real. You get a few cents for each AD you read. It doesn't promise millions.

KudoSurf Me!
If you want to earn extra cash for doing pretty much nothing check out this link. I swear it's real. You get a few cents for each AD you read. It doesn't promise millions.
KudoSurf Me!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Gong Show Vol. 1 - Popsicle lickers
So I was searching on my favorite website (eBay) and Google for some Popsicle molds. Since the summer is on it's way I wanted to start to make some tasty treats. In my search for Popsicle molds I came across a video clip form the old t.v show The Gong Show. I am not sure how many people remember this show, but the whole idea was that regular people would come on the show and show off their talent or better yet what they thought was talent. Most of the time the acts where so terrible they would get the "GONG" hence the title of the show. The judges were popular celebrities at the time. The show ran from 1976 to 1980, and from 1988-1989.So anyway the whole point is that I came across this clip of the Gong Show which has two girls preforming their talent with Popsicles.I found it somewhat strange and amusing and thought other people with the same bazaar sense of humor as me would appreciate it.
KudoSurf Me!
FYI, If you want to earn extra cash for doing pretty much nothing check out this link. I swear it's real. You get a few cents for each AD you read. It doesn't promise millions.
Monday, May 4, 2009
I don't like Mondays - Boomtown Rats
For all of you that hate Mondays as much as I do, here is a little treat that might help you through your day! :)Enjoy. Sorry I could seem to get the actual video.
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KudoSurf Me!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Venting #1

Venting #1
I was driving to work this morning and I began to think about some random things and as I drove I started to get angry at some or almost all of the people on the road. I was thinking about how selfish people can be and there is no common decency around anymore and this has been for long time now. Whatever happened to the wave thanks when letting another car in? Now it's you let me through or I'll hit your car. What the hell is wrong with people? I know I will never get the answer, but I am sure it's a question you might have asked yourself at least once. AS I was thinking about my current driving situation I then started to get hot under the collar about the parking at my new condo. I understand that the building isn't 100% finished and the underground parking will soon be completed, so this problem I am about to speak about won't be continuous. However, right now I am dealing with it and again brings up the question of how can people be so selfish and really such jerks?! There are limited parking spots right now near my building so everybody has to do their best to park as neatly and neighbor friendly as possible or so you would think. I just have to say when I see a section that 3 or 4 cars could patiently fit in I don't just pull in and take up a spot that 2 cars could park in. I try my best to get as close to the other car as possible without getting to close as not to piss off the owner of that car. I now think I am the only person in the building that thinks this way, because every time I come home and there are no spots left I drive around the lot and see all kinds of huge gaps where if the driver of that car pulled in a little close one or two cars could park as well. Why do you need 3-4 feet on either side of your car to get out? Selfish, selfish people and I just get so mad at the total lack of cutesy for other people. I guess I should have mentioned earlier that there are no yellow lines painted on the ground yet, and this is why we are having this problem. Are most of the human race such idiots that we really do need those yellow lines? Well the answer is a resounding YES! I swear if those lines where there right now, we wouldn't have this problem. AHHH! It just makes me want to scream! I just had to get that off my chest and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Anyway ,please if anybody can feel my pain don't be one of these people that are selfish, at the very least just remember to say thanks to anybody that holds a door open or give a wave if somebody lets you in while drive. I think a little goes a long way.
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