Here is something that always has frosted my cookies,....People that just say whatever rude thing they want to others and seem to get away with it. WTF? I have to say when I experience this I usually say to friend "did you hear that ?" or" guess what "Larry" said". The reply to me from them is usually well it's "Larry" what do you expect. So that is a reason that "Larry" can get away with never being told he is rude and hurtful? I am sure if I said something out of line that I would be told about it and do you know why? I'll tell you, b/c if you are a person that does not say rude things or speak without thinking then you can't get away with it b/c that just isn't you. How fair is that? Not to say that people should say rude or slightly insulting things away, but you know from time to time people slip. I just hate when those people like "Larry" can just go through life saying whatever the hell they want and nobody says boo to them b/c that is the way he is, and he the way he is b/c nobody says anything. It drives me nuts!
The times I think I have said something and it was kind of rude, it plagues me for days. Sometimes I even bring it up the next time I see the person I might have offend in order to say sorry, and most times they don't even remember. This venting today was just brought on by an experience this past weekend. I just can't let people like "Larry" get away with that crap. Not to say the "Larry's" of this world are bad people b/c that is not what I am saying , I just think that if it is not pointed out to them they will never watch what they say. However saying something to these people sometimes gets you in trouble. That is bull too, b/c finally something is said and b/c you are not the type to say "rude" things it seems you are being mean to the "Larry" type. Anyway it seems to me there is no answer, however I am not going to stop letting the "Larry's" of this world know that they have offended me. I am not mean about it , I just let them know that it was not something you should have said now or at all. Somethings you need to say inside your own head and you'll be better off for it. I think we all have a "Larry" around or you might even be a "Larry". If you might think you could be a "Larry" type just do a second take before your thoughts come out your mouth. It might save you tongue lashing if you offend the wrong person.
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