Venting #1
I was driving to work this morning and I began to think about some random things and as I drove I started to get angry at some or almost all of the people on the road. I was thinking about how selfish people can be and there is no common decency around anymore and this has been for long time now. Whatever happened to the wave thanks when letting another car in? Now it's you let me through or I'll hit your car. What the hell is wrong with people? I know I will never get the answer, but I am sure it's a question you might have asked yourself at least once. AS I was thinking about my current driving situation I then started to get hot under the collar about the parking at my new condo. I understand that the building isn't 100% finished and the underground parking will soon be completed, so this problem I am about to speak about won't be continuous. However, right now I am dealing with it and again brings up the question of how can people be so selfish and really such jerks?! There are limited parking spots right now near my building so everybody has to do their best to park as neatly and neighbor friendly as possible or so you would think. I just have to say when I see a section that 3 or 4 cars could patiently fit in I don't just pull in and take up a spot that 2 cars could park in. I try my best to get as close to the other car as possible without getting to close as not to piss off the owner of that car. I now think I am the only person in the building that thinks this way, because every time I come home and there are no spots left I drive around the lot and see all kinds of huge gaps where if the driver of that car pulled in a little close one or two cars could park as well. Why do you need 3-4 feet on either side of your car to get out? Selfish, selfish people and I just get so mad at the total lack of cutesy for other people. I guess I should have mentioned earlier that there are no yellow lines painted on the ground yet, and this is why we are having this problem. Are most of the human race such idiots that we really do need those yellow lines? Well the answer is a resounding YES! I swear if those lines where there right now, we wouldn't have this problem. AHHH! It just makes me want to scream! I just had to get that off my chest and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Anyway ,please if anybody can feel my pain don't be one of these people that are selfish, at the very least just remember to say thanks to anybody that holds a door open or give a wave if somebody lets you in while drive. I think a little goes a long way.
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